
Support by text editors for executing LaTeX-related external programs ranges from "good" (Emacs+AucTeX) to "nearly absent" (Vim).

ltxshell is a small application for calling LaTeX and accompanying tools. on Linux (TeX Live) and Windows-Systems (MikTeX). ltxshell provides a simple interface to call LaTeX-related tools. This software is written and maintained primarily by Volker Kiefel.

Software requirements: ltxshell is provided as terminal program. It can be installed manually and is configurable for various LaTeX-implementations, e.g. TeX Live, MikTeX. A full LaTeX implementation should be installed. With ltxshell, LaTeX, pdfLaTeX may be called, as well as BibTeX, makeindex, dvips, dvipdfm and .dvi-/.ps-/.pdf-viewers.

Download: Current version is 1.14 (released July 19, 2021). For download please refer to the ltxshell project page. For the Windows version please select, for Linux systems, please select ltxshell-1.14-x86_64.tar.gz.

Documentation of ltxshell and a description of the installation process may be found in the manual ltxshell.pdf.


This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful for your work, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantibility or fitness for a particular purpose. The program author therefore does not assume any liability for any alleged actual damages arising from the use of this software. References may be used under the terms of the GNU general public license, Version 2.

The author of this web site dissociates himself from any content of any page which can be reached by a link from this web page. This disclaimer applies to all links from all web pages of this site.

Last updated July 19, 2021    Download Ltxshell